6 Must-Have Customer Engagement Tools [Infographic]

Written by wilyglobal | Nov 15, 2019 11:00:00 AM

Before we discuss the customer engagement tools you need to drive your business goals forward, it’s worth explaining the ever-increasing need to Today, digital experiences play an important role in brand loyalty and driving continuous revenue. 

Marketers are learning that they must make customer engagement a top priority for a number of compelling reasons, including:

  • 55% of consumers would pay more for a better brand experience
  • Highly engaged customers spend 23% more than less engaged customers
  • 70% of customers make buying experiences based on the way they are treated

In today’s digital era, marketers must have an arsenal of tools to help them store, track, and measure their digital engagement campaigns. It’s no longer a want but a necessity to use a number of tools that provide a snapshot of the customer journey understanding which brand experiences that move the needle. It can be confusing for marketers to build out their own toolkit as they navigate a growing landscape of digital solutions. To effectively determine the solutions you need, it’s best to begin at the foundation and build from there.

Here are the most important customer engagement tools that every marketer needs to help collect, track, and measure their marketing efforts today:

How to Make the Most Out of Your Customer Engagement Tools

Once you determine the most effective customer engagement tools for your business needs, it’s important to ensure your investment pays off. In order to make the most out of your toolkit, you need up-to-date consumer data and insights. If you’re looking for a solution that will help to collect valuable consumer data, then look no further. SPRY, WILY’s proprietary platform, powers a variety of customer engagement solutions. It provides marketers with a range of off-the-shelf and customizable digital customer engagement solutions that can be built and deployed in under 10-days.

SPRY enables you to power your programs on any device with exciting digital engagement mechanics. Anything you can do on a smartphone can be built into a digital experience. Speak to one of our experts now to help you get from concept to campaign in under 10 days!

eBook: The Beginner’s Guide to Brand Activation Strategy

“Brand Activation” is the art of driving consumers to action through brand sponsored interaction and experiences. It’s about bringing brands to life and forming long-term emotional connections with consumers. This book will assist brand marketers and agencies in developing an engaging brand activation strategy. It will serve as a resource for marketers looking to enable activations in the digital-first era.


  • Advantages of Brand Activations
  • Strategies for Implementing a Brand Activation
  • Processes for Executing Engaging Brand Activations
  • Methods for Measuring Brand Activations
  • Plus, So Much More!

Download the FREE 13-page eBook today!