Market Insights

The ultimate destination for marketers who want to engage, incentivize, and activate consumers.

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Which Marketing Tactics Generate the Most Engagement?

Customer engagement is an area that many brands struggle to harness. Less than a decade ago, earned media, or news media, was a solid marketing tactic for brands to gain trust and engage the general public. However, 59 percent of U.S. consumers said “fake news” is making them more skeptical of what they read and see. Therefore, marketers must get creative with how they approach engagement marketing, and cannot rely on editorial content to deliver the boost in sales they’re hoping to achieve.

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One Simple Thing Marketers Can Do to Make Their Lives Easier

Marketers have a lot of their plates. Brands today are developing content at regular intervals and deploying it across their social channels in order to be in front of, and connect with their consumers 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Marketing automation and digital marketing makes it more possible than ever to track and manage these programs, and the ability to easily collect and assess customer data is truly a timesaver for many marketing professionals. But how can marketers get more out of their campaigns without putting more time in?

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5 Secrets to Unleashing the Power of Your Customer Data

Marketers spend their days tirelessly capturing customer data. If you take a look at your CRM it’s likely a vast bank of customer information. But let’s jump off the data collection wagon just for a second. Our automated campaigns can take over for just a second; let’s think about the big picture. What are we doing with all this data? Are we nurturing those relationships? If so, are we doing it effectively? How can we activate all this data and leverage the information we are collecting?

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5 FAQs From Our Engagement Marketing Master Class

In our latest Engagement Marketing Master Class: How to Acquire First-Party Data by Engaging Consumers, we spent time uncovering some of the best tactics brands can use to engage consumers and acquire information about them. Finally, we were able to address a few pressing questions from the audience, that we often hear from clients as well. If you were unable to join us for this informative webinar then you’re in luck! This article will review answers to the top 5 FAQs from the session.

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