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Why Investing in XM Technology Works [Infographic]

We’ve all been to that one concert or event; the speaker or performer gets up on stage and tells everyone to put down their phones. You know the one. They tell you to fully embrace the experience without the aid of your mobile device. We totally understand the sentiment, but the truth is, today, our smartphones help us to fully experience events. The ability to record, connect, and engage at an event is an important part of our experience. It makes us feel good. So rather than seeing digital technology as a distraction, let’s embrace this technology for what it is; a portal for engaging XM experiences.

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In Case You Missed It: The Top 20 Tweets from Flourish 2018

This week WILY had the pleasure of attending Flourish Conference 2018: The Growth of Branded Currency. The event focused on innovations in the gift card and loyalty industry, and how organizations can benefit from new digital solutions. WILY met with forward-thinking leaders about how to gamify their incentive programs, and heard from a number of disruptors in the space about how they’re helping to improve rewards programs.

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