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Why Investing in XM Technology Works [Infographic]

The-Secret-to-Driving-Audience-Engagement-at-Events-[Infographic]We’ve all been to that one concert or event; the speaker or performer gets up on stage and tells everyone to put down their phones. You know the one. They tell you to fully embrace the experience without the aid of your mobile device. We totally understand the sentiment, but the truth is, today, our smartphones help us to fully experience events. The ability to record, connect, and engage at an event is an important part of our experience. It makes us feel good. So rather than seeing digital technology as a distraction, let’s embrace this technology for what it is; a portal for engaging XM experiences.

With that being said, mobile devices are only one of the many ways to engage audiences at events. In fact, 94% of marketers agree technology has a positive impact on an event. However, 51% of marketers say they can’t react to new channels, devices, trends or competitors using their current tech. Additionally, only 31.6% of event organizers use technology regularly to encourage engagement at events.

Here are some facts and figures that reveal why investing in XM technology is integral to engaging audiences now and into the future.

How Marketers Are Using XM Tech to Engage Audiences:

  • 35% of marketers believe wearable devices are the biggest trend in maximizing the event experience.
  • 22% of marketing departments in B2C companies use event marketing software.
  • 19% of fortune 500 marketers use event marketing software.

Event Technology can help

  • Increase attendance by 27%
  • Increase productivity by 20%
  • Decrease costs by 20-30%

The Most Used Technologies by Event Marketers Are:

  • 45% photobooths
  • 44% event apps
  • 44% live interaction technology

Brands that deliver more than 20 events per year are more likely to take advantage of technological tools such as:

  1. Interactive touch screens for data capture and surveys
  2. Location mapping
  3. Virtual reality
  4. Gamification mechanics

Finally, why incorporating mobile engagements into your XM strategy is a good idea: 

eBook: 75 Fascinating Facts About Experiential Marketing

Many brands struggle to connect with and influence their target audience. However, there is one marketing approach which many experts say is the most effective when it comes to motivating people to action…and that is Experiential Marketing.

Download the report to uncover the latest facts and key findings from across the XM industry.

  • The ROI of Experiential Marketing
  • How Technology Improves the Brand Experience
  • The Impact of Shareable Experiences
  • Experiential Marketing Success Stories
  • Plus So Much More!

Download the FREE 24 page report today!